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There Are So So Sooooo....

.....many singles out there! Tall, skinny, short, stout, lean, blonde, bald, brunette, tan, white, olive, young, old and the list goes on and on. It's the weirdest thing, because though we apparently don't stick out like a sore-thumb, we are huge community...not to mention a hot commodity! LoL

But we're out there...alone...trying to find our other half. Singles connections, singles events,, eharmony, christian name it, we're there...and there are THOUSANDS upon thousands!

For those of you privileged enough to not be in this category...keep your eyes opened...and keep us in mind when a fitting potential comes your way. Keep our business cards on-hand...if you don't have mine, let me know! ;-)

Just sayin'...

Until next time,

Bon Appetit!

Cyndi, 40 & SINGLE


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