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The Morning After...

No one ever said the morning after would be fun, but this morning proved to be different as I logged on only to find a response to yesterday's entry. There are few things I enjoy more than reading a reader's response to someone's blog--when it's my own, it "ups the ante" just a tad bit more! Okay, well maybe there are more than a few things I enjoy more than that, but I enjoy it never-the-less.

Now I know that a blog is just that--writing or blogging whatever you'd like(in this case, I'd), only hoping to find readers somewhere out there who'll land on, and read your page. But it is after all my blog, and therefore my opinions, which by now I realize not all agree with. After logging on and seeing that Yogiwan took the time to do just that this morning--respond, I decided to do a little research as to who this person (or persons) may be as I thoroughly enjoyed the validity and sincerity of their comment, which in part read:

"...However, there are a lot better venues to acquire really good cookware, appliances and utensils than waiting for them to show up at TJ Maxx. There a number of online retailers offering high quality products (sometimes even the same brands) are very good prices."

Now, I have to not only Yogiwan (who appears to be a husband and wife team--Sandy and Terry) for taking the time to both, inform and encourage beyond the call of duty; but I also must give kudos as I now realize that they appear to be the very thing mentioned in their response--an online retailer who offers "high quality products" very good prices. At least that's how it appears to be, by locating their website after googling "Your Smart Kitchen". Now I have been known to have been wrong before (at least that's what I've been told), so please correct me if I am. I take chastisement slightly better than most--but don't push the button too too far, you might not like what you get!

Moving right along, since Yogiwan took the initiative to introduce themselves in response to my entry, I thought I'd dedicate today's entry to them with hopes of sending (what few) readers I may have to their business--cheers to online friendship and sincerest apologies in overlooking this "treasure" of an online retail store in yesterday's blog. While my recommendations were based on my personal experience, I am glad they helped to increase my knowledge by introducing me to Your Smart Kitchen (link provided below), as they've got some great prices on Stainless Steel Tri-ply Cookware Sale, not to mention all sorts of cooking goodies!
I'm all about power to the people, and so it would actually do me good to dig a little deeper in working hand-in-hand with others working hard for their money! I, for one, will be purchasing something from them within the month, and when I do, I'll letcha know how it works out!

Until next time, try to create a dish of your own...and in whatever you do in or out of the kitchen, give it some thought before you do it!

Bon Appetit!

~Cyndi, 39
Long Beach, CA


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