"Count down to a very good time.
10. Assemble all elements of this miraculous hangover cure.
You’re gonna need it.
9. Turn leftover wrapping paper and tape into a pile of festive toppers.
8. Hit up the Joan’s on Third freezer for mini meat pies and tiny cheese puffs and Trader Joe’s for buckets of meringues, big and small.
7. Put your hands together and make some noisemakers.
6. Give three cheers for Empire City punch, cinnamon caipirinhas, and the Cuzco fizz.
5. Consult the white porcelain god of a different kind: Fill the tub with water and fortune-telling fish.
4. To really let your hair down, you’ve got to put it up.
3. Cue the music (hello, Miami, Chicago, SF, Dallas, Philadelphia, and London megamixes).
2. Show off your new moves.
1. Happy New Year!"
With the whole Martinelli's craze, many of you can probably skip past #10, however I found this article to be quite fun & creative...even for those party-poopers who've decided to bring the New Year in solo. So now I'm off to look for some unused wrapping paper, for some cute party-popper hats for tonight's festivities!
One that I'll add to Daily Candy's list will be to squeeze in some "me" time today by visiting a favorite nature-spot (which in my case would be the beach) to reflect on '08, let go of the bad, knowing that tomorrow I can start anew! And it can be anything you want it to be, why? Because it's YOUR life!!! Whether it's ditching a toxic relationship, making more time for God, eating better, being on time, exercising, being kinder, saying no, taking better care of yourself, watching less T.V. or spending more time with family, say goodbye to the old you, and put on the new! Here's a great blog to help with your new goals (notice I didn't say resolution?). Take charge of your life...and get to it!
Until my next meal-centered story, try to bring in the New Year with the ones you love...oh and if you're gonna drink, please don't drive!!! Feliz Ano Nuevo!!!
Bon Appetit!
~Cyndi, 39
Fullerton, CA
P.S. For those of you who haven't heard of Daily Candy, it's a fun insider's guide to the haps in the Metropolitan areas (I even subscribe to the ones for places I like to travel like New York and London). If you have kids, enjoy a good deal or like to travel, they carry special editions for travel, deals and kids...at least check it out--it's FREE! It's a fun way to start your day...after your morning devotions and work-out, of course! Here is a link to join in the candy-fun!