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Noodles and Noodles of Fun!!!

Although there are many sweet things life has to offer, none are as sweet as reconnecting with an old friend for the first time. Elizabeth and I met in Tulsa during our first year of grad school almost twelve years ago (we were in seminary, actually) and from the first time we met, it was on! She was fair-skinned, quiet and from Nashville. I was olive, loud and from L.A.. They say opposites attract and in our case, this couldn't be more true!

Although we both were living in our places when we met, we'd just end up staying over each-other's places as many evenings usually turned into a slumber party with friends, so we just decided to become roomies, which is what we ended up calling each other, "roomie" (which later turned into "vroomie"...long story). In those three years of school, we had way too much fun!

Of course we shared in the normal girlie things that college girlfriends do--late-night studying-n-snacking, all-night prayer (we were in seminary, remember?), typing procrastinated term-papers, crying over heartbreak, doing the newest workout-craze, going on shopping frenzies (which on our budget was mostly at consignment shops), eating at country diners (and I do mean country), having snowball fights, taking a plethora of pictures, dancing in the rain (we washed our cars in the rain at least once) to even dating brothers (the Anderson boys...LoL). Regardless of what we did, there was always laughter and tummy-aches to the umpth-degree. This was no ordinary friendship, it was a friendship destined for lifetime--you know the kind you see on T.V., only in our case, it was real!

I know most don't intend to lose touch, but between graduating, changing states, email addy's and upgrading to new cell phones, I guess sometimes it's bound to happen. That's what happened with Miss Elizabeth and I--over time we managed to lose contact. So what a surprise to have received a phone call from her earlier this year when I was (again) living in Tulsa, after having moved back there from L.A. just the year before. She said she found a contact # for me after "googling" me on the net. In her case, that was great news. In general, that's scary, although I have to admit, I searched for her, as well, but to no avail. (I'd be able to find her now that she's on facebook!)

Having moved back to Nashville after graduating from ORU, she is now in So Cal, married to a Navy Chaplain and has two beautiful daughters. Much to our delight, Elizabeth and I now find ourselves now living in the same state sunny state of California, with a little more than one hour between us. Having just moved back from Tulsa myself a little over a month ago, I squeezed in a few days to visit her in the San Diego area, where we were able to pick up in no time, sharing stories, looking at old pix, indulging in movies and cooking (and eating) as frequently as possible! It was just what the doctor had ordered--we didn't even get out of p.j.'s except to was r&r at it's finest.

Although her hubby is also a professional chef, she admitted that she enjoyed cooking with me, even in my amateur-stage. Cooking with Elizabeth came with ease, as we've both since grown from our microwave dinner days. Our last night neither of us were in the mood to grocery shop, so we found a way to conjure a tasty, but simple dish, Spaghetti Primavera. We served it with a simple salad, adding only carrots, onions and a balsamic viniagrette. To compliment the meal, Elizabeth treated us to Castle Rock, a smooth Pinot that I will enjoy yet again. This meal was easy and simply delish...down to the last gulp.

Olives (I prefer green)
Red Bell Peppers
Noodles (I prefer linguine)

While allowing the noodles to boil, I sauteed the vegetables in some extra virgin oil with garlic salt. Once both the veggies and the noodles were ready, drain the noodles, placing them back in the pot to add extra virgin oil and lemon for seasoning. Veggies can be added to the pot, or placed on top of the noodle, depending on your preference.

Needless to say, there are more visits to look forward to. Yes, I know it's true that the single is more than likely the one to do the driving...but aren't old friendships worth it?

Until next time, take the time to find an old friend...there's no friend like 'em.

Bon Appetit!

~Cyndi, 39
Los Angeles, CA

Ways to reconnect with old friends:


elizabethvaughn said…
I couldn't have said it better! I enjoyed your visit so much . . . what a blast! We picked our friendship back up right where we left off, down to falling asleep to a good chick flick! But you're right, our cooking had stepped it up a notch, thank goodness. Although I still hate touching raw meat . . . Trey gets so tired of telling me how to cook a turkey, chicken, or any kind of fowl. I play dumb most of the time, just so I don't have to touch it. And it makes him feel good knowing he knows how to do something I don't.

So glad we reconnected our friendship which I missed for several years and I love your creativity! This blog rocks and so do you!

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