So Ellen is the kinda of girl who can eat pretty much whatever she'd like because she is a runner (as it should be for those who exercise), so I thought to make a quick little treat--Strawberries, Bananas and dipping chocolate, one treat clearly not in need of an actual recipe. :) Fruit was sliced with ease and the chocolate was microwaveable and ready in no time (yes, it's ghetto, but it's quick and it works. Besides, my fondue set is in Los Angeles!) Regardless of the presentation (or lack there-of) they were overjoyed at the choice, leaving no fruit or chocolate behind. While A.J. enjoyed her introduction of Rojo Mojo, a Shiraz I had never had before, I opted to sip on an oldie but goodie to compliment my ghetto-fabulous-fondue dish--Elysium, a light dessert wine that is so sweet, there really was no need for chocolate. Oh, who am I kidding? There is always a need for chocolate!
Trust me when I say I didn't pull out all of the stops on this one. And rightly so! I had just moved my furniture out of my first roomie's (Scott's) house, then somehow managed to load and unload all of my belongings in storage, solo. (Why do we insist on driving and transferring all of our belongings from one place to another, to another, to another?) I cannot tell you how many times I have moved and every time I think I have got to get rid of all of this! This time will be different. So, my last stop before arriving at A.J.'s was to pick up my long, lost love--Luke, my Beagle of three years. With my best friend at-hand, along with a night that was chilled to perfection, with company and dessert so-sweet and entertaining chatter, there was a moment where I thought to myself, "Life really doesn't get much better than this." It was friends, it was was perfect. What more could a girl saying goodbye to her former hometown ask for? Well that night I'd have to say not much more. But today, I'd have to say I need at least an extra day this week in order to get everything done. It'll come always does.
Until next time, make some time for the old and try something just might surprise you!
~Cyndi, 39
Tulsa, OK