So many questions after our most recent rolling earthquake. I hear things like "Why would you want to live in California?" "Aren't you afraid of earthquakes?" "I'd rather live somewhere where we at least have tornado-warnings, unlike where you live and it just starts to shake." Well, truth be told, we live where we want to live. Some of us live where we do because of comfort. Others because of cost. Some live where they do because they want to be close to family. Others? For work. Me? I'm here because I'm called to live least for now. So until I hear different, Southern California'll just have to the good times roll!
On this particular Thursday where at least two earthquakes hit us (though I only felt one), I should have known there was something in the air when I woke up craving a shake! Not an ordinary shake--but one made up of a splash of apple juice, a banana, frozen strawberries and other assorted berries. I did manage to pull out the honey, but it was so sweet, there was no need. I know myself well enough to know that when I wake up with that kind of hankering, I gotta make it work! Thursday's shake sent me to another world--at least where my tastebuds were concerned.
It was actually the perfect way to start my day, waking up to a view of greenery brushing the outside windows, french doors inviting me to the pool-in-view. Michael Buble and the like was swooning to me as I looked down to not one, but two
tails-wagging...both apparently ready for their breakfast, besides!
This was a day to be remembered.--it may have even been perfect, though this day took me to Irvine, Tustin Hills, Anaheim and then home to Fullerton, all in one day. There were meetings, plans, prayers, exhorting, sharing...all of which was a joy to be a part of...all of which are of the utmost importance in my life. Of the many treats life has to offer, this day was special in that I was right where I was supposed to be every minute of that day, earthquake included. You just can't put a price on a day like tastes too good to be true, and yet I know that for me, this is only the beginning.
Until next time, look into a nearby estate sale, you never know what jewels you might find!
Bon Appetit!
~Cyndi, 39
Fullerton, CA
Berry-N-Banana Shake
1/4 cup of apple juice
1 banana
1/4 cup of frozen strawberries
1/8 cup of frozen assorted berries
(Although I didn't use any ice, if it's too sweet, added ice suggested)