It seems like only recently I've heard quite a few ladies inquire about the afternoon-teas I've attended, as they've never been. (At least it's not someone asking me what a "sidewalk cafe" was...that actually happened to me this past year!) Still in total disbelief that they'd never experienced the joys of tea, I thought I'd throw out two of my favorite places I visit for "High-Tea" or "English Tea" (within the U.S. parameter, of course) in the event it is true.
Tea Rose Garden: http://www.trosegarden.com/ You can order an actual "tea" menu with corresponding sandwiches, fruit, scones and tea-of choice or you can order a la carte.
The Four Seasons Tea Room (Sierra Madre): http://4seasonstearoom.com/ My girlfriends took me out for tea here after my trip to the tattoo parlor some several years ago. An afternoon of tattooing and tea-ing...simply marvelous!
Because I enjoy attending (and also throwing) tea parties, I've decided that I'm going to venture out in obtaining the help of Rent-A-Tea-Party, a company that provides everything but the food (although from what I hear, there may be a menu in the "near" future!). http://rentateaparty.blogspot.com/2008/10/coming-soon.html and/or http://www.rentateaparty.com/
I have only a few tea cups, but it looks like the price is right to rent out the appearance of owning all of the little dainty-do's that would make an antique store sit up straight! SO that's exactly what I'm going to do...rent a tea party! I'll let u know how it goes and what treats I decide to put on the menu...I can hardly wait!
Until then, treat yourself and a friend to tea...it'll do your heart some good.
~Cyndi, 39
Fullerton, CA
P.S. Though I've had the privilege of enjoying high tea in San Francisco's The Fairmont, the "High Tea" next on my list is at The Ritz Carlton!