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Tea for Two...

So yesterday proved to be the perfect day for two friends to depart from O.C. into historic Pasadena. Granted it's only 30 minutes away or so, it was sad to think I rarely visit the home to the Bruins' cleats due to my newly fitted O.C. leash. Although we rarely visit, it was the perfect day, indeed. There was my sweet friend, Francesca, our English Tea treats and rain that sang for the couple of hours we caught up over Peach-Apricot and Ginger Peach teas. Interestingly enough, we realized that the last time we had tea together was at a four-star hotel in Paris, France almost five years ago...yikes! Regardless of where we last had tea, we were having tea yesterday, where every table of friends seemed to be enjoying conversations with sounds of a flowing fountain and elegant piano melodies echoing behind.

It seems like only recently I've heard quite a few ladies inquire about the afternoon-teas I've attended, as they've never been. (At least it's not someone asking me what a "sidewalk cafe" was...that actually happened to me this past year!) Still in total disbelief that they'd never experienced the joys of tea, I thought I'd throw out two of my favorite places I visit for "High-Tea" or "English Tea" (within the U.S. parameter, of course) in the event it is true.

Tea Rose Garden: You can order an actual "tea" menu with corresponding sandwiches, fruit, scones and tea-of choice or you can order a la carte.

The Four Seasons Tea Room (Sierra Madre): My girlfriends took me out for tea here after my trip to the tattoo parlor some several years ago. An afternoon of tattooing and tea-ing...simply marvelous!

Because I enjoy attending (and also throwing) tea parties, I've decided that I'm going to venture out in obtaining the help of Rent-A-Tea-Party, a company that provides everything but the food (although from what I hear, there may be a menu in the "near" future!). and/or

I have only a few tea cups, but it looks like the price is right to rent out the appearance of owning all of the little dainty-do's that would make an antique store sit up straight! SO that's exactly what I'm going to a tea party! I'll let u know how it goes and what treats I decide to put on the menu...I can hardly wait!

Until then, treat yourself and a friend to'll do your heart some good.

~Cyndi, 39
Fullerton, CA

P.S. Though I've had the privilege of enjoying high tea in San Francisco's The Fairmont, the "High Tea" next on my list is at The Ritz Carlton!


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